Passive - Use

We only use the passive when we are interested in the object or when we do not know who caused the action.

Example: Appointments are required in such cases.


to be + past participle

How to form a passive sentence when an active sentence is given:
- object of the "active" sentence becomes subject in the "passive" sentence
- subject of the "active" sentence becomes "agent" in the "passive" sentence" (or is left out)

Active: Peter a house.
Passive: A house is built by Peter.

We are normally not interested in the "doer" of an action in a passive sentence. When we want to mention the "doer", we use the preposition by. The whole phrase is called by-agent in English.

Active sentence Passive sentence
Mr Brown built the house. The house was built by Mr Brown.

When we do not know, who was the "doer" of the action, we use someone or somebody in the active sentence. We leave out these words in the passive sentence.

Active sentence Passive sentence
Someone stole my bike. My bike was stolen.


 Impersonal Passive - It is said ...

The phrase It is said ... is an impersonal passive construction. We often use it in news.

Passive sentence - version 1:
It is said that children are afraid of ghosts.

Passive sentence - version 2:
Children are said to be afraid of ghosts.

The correct active sentence would be:
Active sentence: People say that children are afraid of ghosts.